ICONIC is a network of content creators who decided to form a place where creativity could be fostered while changing the way soccer culture is depicted and experienced in North American media.
We feel that the way the beautiful game is depicted in the media is in need of and deserves an upgrade for the modern age. We want to translate our raw passion and love for the game into the iconic images and graphics you see. Through the combination of our love for the field of photojournalism and soccer, we feel it is essential to tell stories that break the normal aesthetic look soccer has today.
The sport of soccer unites us all for so many reasons. It’s stories of struggle, triumphs, defeats, and love. We come from all walks of life living all types of lifestyles. We are so very different in the colors of our skin or our religious beliefs, but at its core, soccer unites humanity regardless of all of those differences. It allows all people across borders and barriers to come together for a singular moment. Even if it is just for 90+ minutes a week, we are all on the same level playing field. This escapism to a world where unity is found is something worth celebrating and something worth sharing with people around the world.
We know the task at hand is a difficult one but we all believe that with photography you can make people feel much more than a message. You can conceptually transform the way that a common sports fan feels about this beautiful sport. Here at ICONIC, we pledge to constantly push the limits in what is status quo, constantly evolving as the sports culture does too. Follow along on this journey with us as continue to pursue iconic images that will continue to tell the story of soccer in North America while fostering that creative side in all of us.
The iconic team.